What are the determining factors for a good hair-transplant surgery candidate? Hair transplantation is the transfer of the hair follicles from the back of the scalp (also refer ...

3 Steps
Each patient’s dental requirements are unique hence our consultants and doctors carefully analyze your situation via your photos, listen to your expectations and provide you with the procedure plan and the price quotation.
Book Your Free Consultation
The first step towards addressing your dental requirement is to book a free consultation with one of our English speaking consultants. They will listen to your expectations, carefully analyze your case and inform you about our practices.
Submit Your Photos
Once you submit your photos to us, our consultants will carefully review your case and share the information with our doctors who will assess your dental situation and proceed with a treatment plan.
Get Your Plan & Quatation
Upon listening to your expectations & concerns, reviewing your photos and analyzing your case, our doctors will provide you with a plan for the procedure along with your full quotation which will include the price of the procedure, hotel accommodation and VIP transfers.