
Guidelines to follow after your Hair Transplant Surgery

You’ve just had your first hair transplant surgery and you are at home. The guidelines to follow for the first few days and weeks are especially important after your surgery if you wish to achieve the greatest result from your operation. Your transplanted hair follicles will be fragile and will need to conduct careful nurturing to allow them to heal and grow in a healthy manner. At Esthevision, we provide our hair transplant patients with a detailed roadmap for home care after the surgery. Here are some post-surgery recovery guidelines we like to emphasize:

Keep in Mind To…

Have someone drive to your hotel after your procedure. We at Esthevision also provide transfer services from our clinic to your hotel upon your request. We generally advise our patients to refrain from any physical activities (including driving) the first 2 weeks as the head needs to be intact and elevated as patients are advised to keep their heads straight or the swelling will increase due to surgical anaesthesia and liquids flowing down towards the forehead.    

We advise you to sleep with your head elevated for the first 10 days or 14 days depending on the level of your swelling but you need to especially make sure the recipient area will not touch any surfaces the first 10 days, even when you are sleeping. 

Our medical team will advise you on which medications are safe to take and will provide you with a weekly & monthly guideline. 

We urge you to apply some ice to the swelling area on your forehead to prevent further swelling, which generally occurs on the 3rd or 4th-day after the operation.

You have to be very gentle while washing your hair for the first 5 days, and only start on Day 3. Make sure not to scrub or directly touch the recipient area, and make sure not to blast the water stream directly towards the recipient area. The water stream should gently flow through your scalp. Keep the water pressure low and water temperature mild.  

You can use a small cup if you wish to rinse your scalp with water. 

You can apply moisturizer gently to the scalp to relieve itching after the 4th day.

Make sure you drink lots of water the first 3-4 days after the surgery to get rid of the remaining operation liquids out of your system.

The transplanted hair will fall and shedding will occur after 14-18 days of the operation. This is a normal process of your natural hair growth cycle. This does not mean that your hair follicles are damaged. You will observe the growth of transplanted hair follicles after the 3rd month so don’t panic and be patient. Full recovery is a year-long process. 

What to be careful about after your Hair Transplant Operation. 

No sleeping flat on your belly. Make sure you sleep with your head elevated and the recipient area of the scalp does not touch any surface. 

Some swelling after the 3rd or 4th day of the surgery will occur so make sure you don’t panic. Instead, make sure to keep your elevated the first 4-5 days after the operation and drink lots of water.  

You should only apply ice to the swelling areas on your forehead, not the areas on your scalp where the operation took place.  

Scrabs on your scalp is a part of the healing process, therefore, we strongly urge you not to remove or touch the scrabs on your scalp until the 10th day after the operation. Once you reach the 10th day, you will first use a shampoo and moisturizer on the scalp and then remove the softening scrabs gently only using your fingertips. You should not use your nails or they might inflict damage to the sensitive hair follicles. If some scabs are not entirely removed, wait a few more days for them to fall off or remove them the next day using the same method.   

You are not allowed to wash your hair the first 48 hours after the surgery. 

You should refrain from scratching your scalp as itching will occur after the 3rd day of the operation. 

You should refrain from wearing and hats or cabs for the first 10 days. Make sure nothing touches the scalp for the first 10 days. After the 10th day shower and removal of the scrabs you can start to wear a hat. 

You should refrain from exposing your scalp directly to the sun rays for the first 6 months after the operation, therefore, make sure to have a cap or a hat on at all times during sunny summer days. 

You should only start light exercise after the first 20 days. We do not recommend heavy exercise for at least a month after the surgery. 

We do not recommend you to engage in any activities which might cause excessive sweating. 

We do not recommend dying your hair for at least 3 months after the surgery as chemicals in the dye can damage and slow the healing process. 

We strongly advise our patients to refrain from smoking and alcohol consumption for the first 1 month after the surgery as both habits negatively affect blood flow in the scalp and derail the success of the surgery. We advise you to refrain from smoking permanently as it can negatively affect your healing process.  

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